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Scan GitHub organisation in Jenkins

The GitHub plugin for Jenkins provides the feature of scanning an entire organisation and trigger builds for the code repositories that have changed since the last check.


The scanning process might take long. It depends on the number and size of the code repositories that exist under the GitHub organisation. For instance, in our experience, scanning around 150 repositories takes slightly more than 5 minutes.

How the SQAaaS depends on it?#

This feature is leveraged by both modules:

  • The Pipeline as a Service triggers the organisation scanning when the current pipeline repository did not exist before (first time using the given name of the pipeline).
  • The Quality Assessment & Awarding triggers it when analysing the input repository/ies for the first time.

In both cases, the subsequent executions will not make use of this feature as the corresponding job already exists in Jenkins and the SQAaaS API just triggers a new build.