Customizing the assessment
The SQAaaS platform executes multiple checks for assessing each criterion and associated subcriteria. According to the given criterion, the check might consist on ensuring the presence of a set of files (e.g. licenses or code of conduct for the documentation criterion), analysing their content (for licenses or metadata for code) or running static/dynamic analysis tools according to the programming language in use. Check out the current list of tools supported in the SQAaaS platform.
Customizing the behavior of tools: linting and stylingFull compliance with style rules, and in some particular circumstances, with those related to linting aspects should not be enforced when assessing the quality of the code. Legacy or code that has been developed over a extended period of time cannot be easily adapted to new quality standards or trends. As a result, the SQAaaS allows passing exceptions to the default rules through the use of configuration files (as long as the tool supports them).
Throughout this section we summarize how to alter the default behavior of the standards used by the tools supported in the SQAaaS platform. It is important to stress that the configuration file/s must exist in the version of the code repository that we are assessing through the SQAaaS, and placed in the location expected by the tool.
flake8 (Python)flake8
3 different locations
for the configuration files. Either way, you need to have a [flake8]
where you will add your exceptions. An example that excludes a set of rules and
defines a maximum line length of 120, would be:
[flake8]extend-ignore = E402, F841, F821, E722max-line-length = 120
checkstyle (Java)checkstyle
is currently supported as a
Maven's plugin. Following the documentation, the
Sun code style is the one
used by default. Based on the
Maven's goal checkstyle:check
you can define your own rules by passing the
such as in:
<plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-checkstyle-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.2.2</version> <configuration> <configLocation>checkstyle.xml</configLocation> </configuration></plugin>
Note that your checkstyle's plugin version might be different from the one
used in this example. The configLocation
points to a file named
and this is where all modifications shall be added. For
instance, if we would like to increase Sun's default line length to 120 chars
(by default is 80), we would modify Sun's rules (assuming they have been already
added in checkstyle.xml
) as follows:
<module name="LineLength"> <property name="max" value="120"/></module>