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The pipeline repositories

The pipeline repositories are the ones generated by the SQAaaS API in order to carry out the execution of the generated pipelines. They contain the JePL files, and optionally (according on how the pipeline was configured), they might also have a copy of the code base.

How the SQAaaS depends on it?#

  • The Pipeline as a Service uses pipeline repositories when the user triggers the execution of the pipeline.
  • The Quality Assessment and Awarding (QAA) module uses the pipeline repositories as part of its operation. Pipelines are composed for the fully-fledged criteria analysis, and thus, they need to be executed before being validated.


Depending on the SQAaaS module, the name of the pipeline repository matches the patterns below:

Pipeline as a Service#

pipeline_repository == '' + github_organisation + pipeline_name + '.sqaaas'

where the pipeline_name is the value provided in the step zero. So if you used the current SQAaaS production instance and named your pipeline as "my_pipeline", the resultant name for the pipeline repository is:`


pipeline_repository == '' + github_organisation + pipeline_name + '.assess.sqaaas'

where the pipeline_name is the name of the analysed repository. In this case, if you are checking "" repository in the current SQAaaS production instance, the resultant name for the pipeline repository is:`