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Tooling in SQAaaS

The SQAaaS has built-in support for widely-used tools used within open source communities. Both the Pipeline as a Service and Quality Assessment and Awarding modules rely on these tools, with the main difference that the latter selects transparently the most appropriate set of tools based on the characteristics of the input asset.

Open source tools for quality analysis#

Validating some of the defined quality criteria requires the support of specific tools, based commonly on the programming language/s in use. Examples range from testing frameworks and linters to style checkers. The table below summarizes the current tools supported by the SQAaaS platform:

Source code#

Code Management (QC.Man, QC.Acc)git
Licensing (QC.Lic)licensee
Code Style (QC.Sty)flake8 flake8staticcheck staticcheckrubocop rubocopcheckstyle checkstylestylelint stylelintjsonlint jsonlinthadolint hadolint
Security Static Analysis (QC.Sec)bandit banditgosec gosecbrakeman brakeman
Documentation (QC.Doc)markdownlint markdownlintrestructuredtext-lint restructuredtext-lint
Code Metadata (QC.Met)Citation File Format Citation File FormatCodeMeta CodeMeta


Infrastructure ManagerElastic Cloud Computing Cluster
Deployment (SvcQC.Dep)im-client im-clientec3 ec3

Research data#